To subdue inflammation, topical corticosteroids can be used. If the pupil can be fully dilated during the treatment of iritis, the prognosis for recovery from synechia is good. Dilation of the pupil in an eye with synechia can cause the pupil to take an irregular, non-circular shape (dyscoria) as shown in the photograph. Mydriatic or cycloplegic agents, such as topical homatropine, which is similar in action to atropine, are useful in breaking and preventing the formation of posterior synechia by keeping the iris dilated and away from the crystalline lens. Now on my second week of treatment I’ve noticed my pupil dilated but it’s irregular in shape like a tear drop, but when the dilation wears off it returns to a normal. When I first administered the dilating drops my pupil would dilate in a large round circle. If a person has coloboma of the eyelid, part of the eyelid may be absent, and if they have coloboma of the iris, they may have irregularly shaped pupils. Hence, when the muscles of the iris contract, the feline pupils take the shape of a narrow slit. Hi everyone My names Aaron and I was diagnosed with anterior iritis on 12/27/18. Essentially, the term coloboma is used to describe the condition where a portion of tissue is completely missing from the eye or eyelid. Whereas the human pupil takes on a rounded, near-perfect circular shape, the cat’s pupil has an elliptical form. This blocked drainage raises the intraocular pressure. One of the most striking differences between the pupils of humans and that of a cat is its shape. In posterior synechia, the iris adheres to the lens, blocking the flow of aqueous humor from the posterior chamber to the anterior chamber. While it can be caused by several possibilities, in most cases it is benign and does not. The pupil size moderately correlated with the A-wave sensitivity and this was pharmacologically replicated in C57Bl/6J mice following administration of pilocarpine to constrict the pupils. Anisocoria, or unequal pupil size, is a common condition in dogs. Posterior synechia also cause glaucoma, but with a different mechanism. D2 mouse pupils also showed abnormal pupillary shape and no dilation following treatment with tropicamide eye drops. It is sometimes visible on careful examination but usually more easily through an ophthalmoscope or slit-lamp.Īnterior synechia causes closed angle glaucoma, which means that the iris closes the drainage way of aqueous humour which in turn raises the intraocular pressure. Synechiae can be caused by ocular trauma, iritis or iridocyclitis and may lead to certain types of glaucoma. Ocular synechia is an eye condition where the iris adheres to either the cornea (i.e. Misshapen pupil due to Iritis-caused synechia in the left eye JSTOR ( November 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message).1 The degree of anisocoria varies and depends on the amount of muscle damage it is more easily demonstrated in bright illumination. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Traumatic mydriasis (TM) is caused by damage to the sphincter pupillae muscle, often with concomitant iris tears and irregular pupil shape. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.